Back Glassbottom Boat Tours
Glassbottom Boat Tours

All Reservations need to be made online, click here to Book Now!
For the most up-to-date info call (305) 451-6300.

Glassbottom Boat Tours

Spirit of PennekampWelcome aboard our flagship glassbottom boat, Spirit of Pennekamp.
Enjoy a unique glimpse into the serene undersea world in style and comfort.
At 65 feet in length, this high-speed catamaran is capable of transporting up to 130 passengers to the various nautical destinations of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The itinerary includes a number of shallow reefs teeming with wildlife. Tours are 2 ½ hours long. Minimum passenger requirements apply on all tours. Call (305) 451-6300 for more information.

Limited wheelchair accessibility is also available on the glassbottom boat Spirit of Pennekamp.

Please call for special group rates and payment information for 25 or more passengers.

For reservations please call
(305) 451-6300